Friday, March 25, 2005

Is it Spring?

I was commenting to myself on my drive into work the other day that Spring was in the air and surely on it's way. The evidence was all around me in warmer temperatures (upper 50's to mid 60's), the irrigation ditches were full for the planting season and the burning of fields and ditches was full blast. For those that aren't familiar, it produces a very recognizable smell.
I no sooner said this than I saw dark storm clouds rolling in. The "weird" weather started minutes upon arriving at my library's office. In one day we had snow, rain, sleet and very wet hail.

Coming home today, I saw two rainbows and got hit with the heaviest assualt of hail ever. I had to pull over since I couldn't see and the roadway was super icy. Thankfully, the hail was really small and was no threat to my car.

Spring here in western Colorado seems to be full of surprises! Weather here can change instantly and is very sporadic...raining in one place, completely dry in the next...only a half mile down the road. If you don't like the weather at your house, walk down the street, it's very likely to be different.

Colorado is also known for late Sping (even into summer) snowstorms that make mountain travel risky. I remember one such storm that occured on May 1st. I thought that April showers were supposed to bring May flowers but, I guess Mother Nature didn't get the memo that year. As my parents and I were traversing the mountains moving me into an off-campus apartment, the San Juan mountains got a record amount of snowfall for that late in season. If I remember correctly, it was something like 4 feet in the mountains. Nevertheless, we arrived safely and the next day, the sky was blue and the roads mostly cleared by hard-working CDOT vehicles. If you've ever wondered why Coloradoans always carry boots, a shovel and snow chains/cables in their cars you know!

The weatherman on the Weather Channel promises that this should be the last "winter" storm that we have this year...anyone care to place a bet?

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